DIR 8 Intimation by Director
Intimation by Director
[Pursuant to Section 164(2)
and rule 14(1) of Companies (Appointment and
Qualification of Directors) Rules, 2014]
Registration No. of
Company |
Nominal Capital |
Rs. |
Paid-up Capital |
Rs. |
Name of Company |
Address of its
Registered Office |
The Board of Directors
XYZ Private Limited
I, ________ son/daughter/wife of __________ resident of ________________, Director/Managing Director/Manager in the company
hereby give notice that I am/was a director in the following companies during
the last three years:-
S.No |
Name of the
Company |
Date of Appointment |
Date of Cessation |
1 |
I further confirm that I have not incurred disqualification under section 164(2) of the Companies Act, 2013 in any of the above companies, in the previous financial year, and that I, at present, stand free from any disqualification from being a director.
I further confirm that I have incurred disqualification under section 164(2) of the Companies Act, 2013 in the following company(s), in the previous financial year, and that I, at present, stand disqualified from being a director.
S.No |
Name of the
Company |
Date of Appointment |
Date of Cessation |
1 |
full name
Dated this _________ day of _________
This can be viewed online at http://www.regencytiles.com/REGENCY-DIR-8.pdf
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