Valuation of Shares and other Securities under Companies Act, 2013
As per Companies Act, valuation may be required to be made in respect of any property, stocks, shares, debentures, securities or goodwill or any other assets (herein referred to as the assets) or net worth of a company or their liabilities. Under this article, we will consider valuation aspects of shares and other securities under companies act 2013. Who can conduct valuation of shares? after 31st January, 2019 only a person registered as Registered Valuer as per Section 247 are eligible to do valuation of Securities. Except Registered valuer no other persons like (Merchant Banker or Chartered Accountant) can do the valuation of Securities. What is the validity of a valuation report given under Sec 247 of the Companies Act? It is valid upto 6 months usually. However, it depends upon events for which you are considering the Valuation report. Is valuation report required for rights issue? Not mandatory in case of rights issue. If rights issue is at the premium, then? Still not...